Landscape Education for ecological and cultural Transition
17 May 2024

Education is the way to a sustainable world and “Landscape Education for ecological and cultural Transition” proposes a landscape-oriented education both … Read More

AI EDU_Camp – Milano Digital Week
11 October 2023

Milano Digital Week is the largest Italian event dedicated to education, culture and innovation in the digital world promoted by … Read More

EDDIE Project: a new MOOC is coming!
6 December 2022

MOOC recordings for “Energy management for real estates – Fundamentals, methods and digital tools” have started! The MOOC is focused … Read More

Sustainable building design in Africa
2 December 2022

It’s now open for enrollment the MOOC “Sustainable building design in Africa” of the “Sustainability” series of pok4professionals! This MOOC … Read More

Learn how to promote the green transition of cities!
21 October 2022

By 2050, two-thirds of all humanity will be living in urban areas. Cities are globally responsible for an estimated 75% … Read More

Creative and Design Thinking: process and tools for innovation
27 July 2022

Would you like to be more creative and innovative? Would you like to develop your creative mindset? Through the MOOC … Read More

Women in Technology

The MOOC Women in Technology, developed in the framework of WiTech Project, is aimed to reply to questions as why … Read More

XL Project
3 May 2022

The kick-off meeting of the European project “XL project” (Extended Learning for Higher Education teachers and trainers) was held in … Read More

Valutare e giudicare nel Debate
16 March 2022

Are you a teacher who uses the Debate methodology with your students? Are you a professional who is thinking of … Read More

Machine Learning: a new MOOC released in Artificial Intelligence Series
7 March 2022

Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning. Does it sound familiar? Yes, it is Machine Learning. Discover more about this fascinating topic … Read More

Platform Thinking: a new MOOC series for professionals

A new Series on Platform Thinking just released on POK! The word platform is everywhere, from newspapers to the business … Read More

The management of the building process from the executive project to the realization
11 February 2022

The MOOC “La gestione del processo edilizio dal progetto esecutivo alla realizzazione” offers an in-depth study of the implementation phase … Read More

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