A new MOOC of the FOSTWOM project: Machine learning, Maths & Ethics
9 December 2021

Although the fields of computer science, artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing the world, the truth is that girls … Read More

A new MOOC on Mars
22 November 2021

In the course “Mars between science and culture” you will discover all the curiosities about the Red Planet, why its … Read More

Astrophotography: a new MOOC for citizens
15 November 2021

In our new MOOC “Image sensors and non-contact measurements” we will discover the functioning of two fundamental instruments for observing … Read More

Law of universal gravitation: a MOOC to let you know it better
8 November 2021

Are you wondering how planes can fly? And how the human being went to the Moon? This is not magic, … Read More

A MOOC about gender-balanced educational content in the STEM field
11 October 2021

How to use the inclusive potential of MOOCs to attract women and young girls to STEM subjects? The aim of … Read More

In partenza il MOOC del Master sulle Salvaguardie Nucleari
7 October 2021

METID is collaborating on the organisation and development of the first level Specializing Master on Nuclear Safeguards. The Specializing Master … Read More

Just started: a new MOOC on how to make effective bibliographic research
7 September 2021

Just started the new MOOC “In biblioteca con un click”. The course gives hints and tips on how to make … Read More

Call for experiences in active learning
3 May 2021

On the 27th May 2021, the online event “Knowledge Exchange: Enhancing soft skills through active learning for education and employment” … Read More

Deep renovation for Energy Efficient Residential Buildings
30 March 2021

Now open for enrollment the new MOOC “Deep renovation for Energy Efficient Residential Buildings”. This course is intended to teach … Read More

Starting soon a new MOOC about co-creation and public engagement
5 March 2021

Now open for enrollment the new MOOC “Co-creation for policy makers: an introductory course”, starting on the 15th of March. … Read More

Active Learning for Soft Skills Development: a new MOOC for Teachers
16 February 2021

“Active Learning for Soft Skills Development” is the new MOOC on POK developed in the field of European Project eLene4life. … Read More

FOSTWOM training

Organised by METID, the first training in a series of three that are part of the FOSTWOM Project took place … Read More

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