3 February 2020 | Learning innovation

During Open Education Global Conference 2019, hosted by Politecnico di Milano on November 26-28, the Italian translation of CC Certificate for Educators and Librarians has been presented; the Certificate materials where previously available only in English.

The Italian translation, curated by METID, also include the country case study, titled General Principles on “Diritto d’Autore” and Related Rights in Italy, that provides supplementary information on the rules regulating authors’ rights in Italy. This appendix was curated by Adv. Deborah De Angelis.

The translation has been possible thanks to the work of Paola Corti (Project Manager at METID). Her work exemplifies what’s possible when educational resources are openly licensed. The CC BY license enables anyone to create adaptations (also known as derivatives), such as language translations, to better meet different audience needs.