METID curated the Italian translation of the whole set of materials related to the Creative Commons Certificate for Educators and Librarians, adding an Appendix entitled General Principles on “Diritto d’Autore” and Related Rights in Italy, thanks to the expertise of Adv. Deborah De Angelis and Laura Sinigaglia from the CC Chapter ITA.

The CC Certificate provides an-in depth study of Creative Commons licenses and open practices, uniquely developing participants’ open licensing proficiency and understanding of the broader context for open advocacy. The training content targets copyright law and CC legal tools, as well as the values and good practices of working in the global, shared commons. The CC Certificate is available as either a 10-week online course or a one-week, in-person training to educators and academic librarians.

This work exemplifies what’s possible when educational resources are openly licensed. Creative Commons has licensed its CC Certificate content CC BY with the intent of making the content as useful and accessible as possible. The CC BY license enables anyone to create adaptations (also known as derivatives), such as language translations, to better meet different audience needs.