20 January 2016 | MOOCs

In few days more than 1.400 people subscribed to the new MOOC of Politecnico di Milano “To Flip Or Not To Flip – Discover the flipped classroom methodology”, the first of the series “For Teachers” devoted to the exchange between professors from different backgrounds about new interesting didactic methodologies discussed at world level.
The MOOC is on Polimi Open Knowledge portal and it is devoted to “Flipped Classroom” methodology, developed at Harvard University. This methodology flips the time and study management between school and home: the study of contents is done authonomously at home, thanks to high quality online materials chosen by teachers, while class time is devoted to confrontation, analysis and exercises done collaboratively with teacher’s support.
The MOOC is the result of an international collaboration between Politecnico di Milano – METID and UNIT (Université Numérique Ingénierie et Technologie), and is part of the social MOOC (sMOOC) experience of ECO project, based on collaborative and interactive dynamics.